Systemic constellation Work

Lösungsorientierte Aufstellungen

Solution-oriented constellations (SCW for short) serve to process experiences that have not been properly "digested". And thus help the client to be healed and be in peace. Systemic constellation Work) dienen dazu, erlebte Erfahrungen, die nicht richtig "verdaut" wurden, aufzuarbeiten. Und helfen so dem Klienten damit Heil und in Frieden zu sein.

The Systemic Constellation Work method, does not require a group. Here work is done in confidential individual sessions. Systemic constellation Work Methode, bedarf keiner Gruppe. Hier wird in vertraulicher Einzelsitzung gearbeitet.

The aim of every constellation is to digest, process, and resolve blocking energy patterns caused by old experiences.

Zitat Jana Thann


 €80,- for the first hour, every further hour €65,-

It is metered by the half-hour.

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